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Why Hire Me?

I love a beautiful image, but more than anything I love a beautiful memory. So many people postpone images until they feel "ready", they have more time, their house is better decorated etc... but after ten+ years of photographing people, I see how important it is to grab the moment now, right now.  

For me, it is not about the incredible clothing where everyone looks perfectly happy. There are plenty of photographers who love to capture those things and do it well. But I love the story...your moments... the unique way you love each other... the simple things that you and your generations will hold tight through the years.  

A day with me is simply me observing the big and small beauties of your love. 


If you could go back to your favorite moments as a child, where would you go? Now ask your loved ones the same thing. Let's go to those moments together. 


Nostalgic, Perfectly Imperfect Moments Just the Way You are


Over the years I have met so many fun fantastic people who are just a bit camera shy. I love planning with you for a shoot that tells your story... playing baseball in your back yard, a hike at your favorite overlook, snuggling in a tent waiting for the stars... I want it to be more than just a typical lovely photo. I want to show the beautiful person you are in your environment.

I start off by sending you a questionnaire to get your mind dreaming of locations and ideas. The day of the shoot is a breeze as we take a few minutes at the beginning to talk and connect. I am not thrown off by shy people, tired children, or a sprinkle of rain.

We just adventure together in
whatever the day brings. 

What a Photo or Video Session Looks like

Let's press pause on a day and take time to capture the beauty of your joy-f illed day. Complete the form to set up your session or wedding! 


“I love these SO MUCH, today is like Christmas, you have given me the best present in the world!! Love you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”

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