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My Story 

Hey, friends! It’s me, Lauren (or Lollie, as many of you call me). I can remember the Christmas I received my first camera with packs of Fujifilm to capture all the goodness my 10 year heart could imagine. Over the years I have come to cherish all the family photos and videos from generations before me… not just for how they look, but for the feeling I get when I look through them.My own family is my inspiration. I married the hands-down most  handsome and incredible man Tony after meeting him through a trip to Guatemala. Some of his first words to me were, “more than anything when I am older, I want to be a great dad.” (uhhh, yes, I’ll marry you!) Jesus has always been the glue that unites us and brings us so much joy.   Family is one of our favorite words and we really do it big in our home. We have five children with us right now and many more that have had different chapters in our story. You can find us dancing away to music in the car, skipping stones in the creek, dressing up in DIY costumes, and dreaming of our next Disney World trip.

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Our Connected Stories Matter



Your family story is just as beautiful and important as mine.  Over the years I began to see that capturing the simple moments can sometimes make us feel so much deeper than we imagined. The moments of you splashing with your littles at the beach, kissing your love intentionally after a busy week , cheering on your kiddos as they hike to a new adventure, breathing in the calm while you read your favorite book… these are the moments that change the way we see one another. You only have a few number of days with the people you value most in your life... to bottle up and capture those memories that tug at your heart so your generations can look back and see the lovely moments you shared. 

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Picture Stories of my Family

Some of my favorite moments were sitting around the kitchen table listening to  stories of loves and wars as Meemaw jitterbugged around the house and Peepaw spread sweet honeycomb over his biscuits.  

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